Friday, March 30, 2012

I confess...

One of the blogs I am loving is A Blonde Ambition , check it out if you haven't already! I have seen Leslie post confessional link ups before but I have never participated. My sweet friend Kelly at Messy.Dirty.Hair. gave me a kind nudge and so here I am about to write my first confession. Here goes nothing...

I confess...

I really should be finishing up laundry and cleaning right now, but instead I am sitting here writing this post and loving every second of it. 

I just ate 2/3 of the Chocolate Raspberry Champagne Truffle bar that my Mom gave me for Valentine's Day, it was incredibly yummy! I played tennis this morning and may still try to go for a hike, so I am telling myself not to feel too guilty :( 

I am completely OCD about keeping our home neat, I vacuum and mop or floors at least twice a day. I just love how our house feels when everything is clean. I'm obsessed with our Miele vacuum. 

*It's important to note we have a 145 lb Saint Bernard who contributes greatly to my incessant cleaning.

I am obsessed Bravo TV.  I love Andy Cohen, The Real Housewives, Million Dollar Listing, and of course my all time favorite would have to be Jeff Lewis, Jenny and Zoila! Not on Bravo but still a favorite, Joan and Melissa! 

I love celebrities and seeing how they live. I stalk TMZ, People, and Us several times a day, mostly out of boredom but sometimes I am actually curious. I love to see pictures of celebrity homes. It's always a great way to get some creative architectural ideas, however there are always those who can afford nearly anything and still manage to have an incredibly ugly home! 

Remember the Osbourne's Beverly Hills Home, check out what Christina Aguilera has done to Sharon and Ozzy's bedroom! 

I am a shopaholic and I have incredibly expensive taste! I blame my taste on my grandmother who at 8 years old was teaching me about St. John and Ferragamo. I don't seek out expensive things, they just happen to be what I like! (My poor sweet husband, thank god he loves me so much :) When insuring our house I was most concerned that we would have proper coverage for my closet! 

My favorite saying is, "It takes a village, Plastic Surgeon, Therapist and Hairstylist." Amen to all three. 

I'm not a country girl by any means but somehow my sister and I both dream of owning a large ranch in Montana. No clue how we both decided on Montana, especially since neither of us has ever even been there!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Quick & Healthy: Oatmeal

The Dailies
Lady Elizabeth Grace 

I'm always looking for great, healthy recipes and few months back one of my good friends shared one that  has become an all time favorite of mine. I've never been a big breakfast person but I know how important it is to give my body and mind a good start for the day! This recipe for quick and healthy oatmeal is fantastic, but more importantly it's yummy and good for you. 

Quick and Healthy Oatmeal
1/2 Cup Oatmeal {I like to use Bob's Red Mill Quick Cooking Organic Oats }
1/2 Cup Almond Milk
1/2 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder

1. Add Oatmeal and Almond milk to a bowl, mix together and microwave approximately 2 minutes
2. Add protein powder, mix well and garnish with your choice of yummy delights!
3. Enjoy!

Not only is this a great breakfast and way to start your day, the protein powder helps to fill you up and adds great flavor. I love to add fresh fruit, however today I topped it off with a banana, crushed raw almonds and dried cranberries. Hope you enjoy! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pink & Sparkles!

It doesn't matter what's going on in my life, there's something about neon pink nails that always makes me smile. It's such a small detail but it it never fails to bring me happiness and joy. The last week has been exceptionally crazy and so this evening I finally had a few minutes to myself and I decided to paint my nails. 

OPI - Designer Series 012 
Sinful Colors - 920 
OPI - Bring on the Bling

I painted all of my nails pink and then painted one coat of the designer series on each of my index fingers. I then painted a coat of Bring on the Bling. This colors is fabulous because it is basically like painting glitter onto your nails but it tends to not go on very evenly. I'm really picky about the finished texture of my nail polish and so to make my sparkles smoother I added another coat of the designer series color. Not only did this smooth out the texture it also made the sparkle pop even more! 

I treat myself to pedicures regularly but I actually prefer to do my own nails. For some reason they always seem to last longer when I do them and quite honestly I think I can paint them better myself. This was my first attempt at accenting my nails with another color but I am kind of in love with the hot pink and sparkles combination :) 

*The pictures do not capture how bright this pink is. My nails are really a screaming neon but for some reason I can never get this color to photograph well :(

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Personal Touch

The Dailies
Lady Elizabeth Grace 

 Call me old fashioned but I still believe in hand writing thank you notes and I enjoy sending people little  reminders here and there of my thanks and gratitude. I was cleaning out my mom's office last week and I found these...

I have yet to figure out exactly when I might use them, other than if I missed an important date or event, but I absolutely adore them. There's a cheekiness about them and their simple sentiment that I just love. The bright orange note card and the fabulous envelopes with stripes give these little gems a sassy attitude, and I cannot wait to use them! 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Has Sprung!

I know I am a few days late but my life has been CRAZY this week. One of my favorite things in the entire world is to have fresh flowers around. 

I just love having them in our house, the more the merrier! Last week, just in time for Spring, my mom gave me a bunch of Daffodil's. They had not yet opened but as if on cue they bloomed for Spring! 

 They have been brightening our kitchen and making me smile for the last few days. :) 

 Did you know if you place closed Daffodil's in warm water they will open and bloom faster?

I hope everyone is having a wonderful beginning to Spring! 
Yeah for fun colors, shorts & dresses and more time in the beautiful sunshine :) 

"Walk with the dreamers..."

The Dailies
Lady Elizabeth Grace 

I have always LOVED quotes and yet somehow I had never encountered this one. It has quickly become a favorite and I wanted to share it with you all! 

I hope you enjoy :)

Lady Grace

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Sweet Treat!

I'm always looking for new and creative recipes, especially those that are on the healthier side. I saw this on Pintrest and knew that I just had to try it out! One of my all time favorite flavor combinations is chocolate and raspberries, I just love any fruit mixed with a bit of chocolate. This is so easy to make and equally delicious. 

1. Start with fresh, clean raspberries

2. Grab a handful of your favorite chocolate chips, I've also seen white chocolate used too :) 

 3. Take a chocolate chip and place it into a raspberry with the tip of the chip facing down

4. EAT THEM!!!

I have to confess, I ate this entire bowl. They are just so delicious! 
These are also great for parties because they're very easy to eat and they look adorable too :) 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fashion Animal!

I could not resist posting these...

I looked over and found our sweet puppy...

sound asleep on my Tory Burch's...

what can I say, he has good taste! 

Cuddled Up & Cozy!

The Dailies
Lady Elizabeth Grace 

Today is one of those rainy days perfect for staying nice and snuggled in the house! We haven't had very many rainy days so I am actually enjoying having a quiet day at home. My plan of attack is to catch up on some reading and in the process find something yummy to cook for tonight. Yes, I did say cook! My best and most amazing friend is coming over tonight and he and I plan on having a cozy evening cooking and catching up. I literally cannot wait! 

Going to find something yummy to cook!

One of my latest food obsessions, Cara Cara pink oranges! SO SO YUMMY :) 

Our ridge in the rain and clouds, perfect for a cozy quiet day 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

California ♥

The Dailies
Lady Elizabeth Grace

California, I've lived in either Northern or Southern California my entire life and can't imagine living anywhere else!

So welcome to my home...

From the beaches to the palm lined streets...

 To the mountains and the beautiful Napa Valley. 

I literally find myself smiling everyday because no matter where I am I'm surrounded by the beauty of this incredible place I'm so lucky to call home. 

*Photos from Pintrest & my personal archives

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sass with Class...

I was shopping with my mom today when I saw this...

Christian Louboutin "Louvicious" Clutch 
I am beyond in love!!!

At first glance the incredible neon pink color screams sassy and yet this little clutch remains very classy. The details make this clutch truly divine. Tiny Louboutin clasps, beautiful pleating and chevron details are surrounded by studs that give this clutch its fierce but fun attitude.  

It's stunning in black as well....

 But there is just something about that pink that makes me swoon!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

On the bright side...

The Dailies
Lady Elizabeth Grace

No matter what is going on in my life I always strive to see things positively and to remind myself of just how much I have to be thankful for. 

I was really hoping to get in a few good hikes this weekend but I have been sick since last week and instead of getting better I've actually gotten worse :(

On top of not feeling well this weekend has had its challenging moments and yet it has also brought me great clarity.

A very wise man in my life continually reminds me to,  
"Always find the good in your day, surround yourself with those you love & do what makes you happy.

I hope everyone has had a great weekend 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

In the words of Coco Chanel...

The Dailies
Lady Elizabeth Grace

Pretty much sums it up! 

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Elements of Style

Color, texture and silhouette are three of the most defining characteristics of style. When these elements are combined well they have the ability to create magnificent beauty...

There is nothing more delicate than white.
        The combination of textures is incredible. I love the demure detailing 
    on the dress combined with boldness of the gold necklace.
A well tailored dress, that fits in all the right places goes a very long way.

*Tailoring is essential in any good wardrobe, if something does not fit always look to see if it can be tailored. I have fallen in love with many pieces that did not properly fit, but with a little tailoring they have easily been transformed into favorites. If you do not know of a good tailor ask your friends or local dry cleaner. 

This color is fabulous!!!
A patent pump will always be a classic and can easily be dressed up or down. 
I'm a big fan of really tall heels. I also love the shape of the toes on these, not too pointy but not too round, very versatile. 

I love the vintage feel this color gives this clutch. It is absolutely sensational. 
The texture in conjunction with the color is marvelous. The detailing of the texture truly transforms this piece, without it it would be just another colorful clutch. 
I love the shape and size of this clutch. Nothing drives me nuts more than a beautiful bag that holds nothing! It's nice and thin and fits well in one's hand making it easy to carry and manage. 

Pink and white will eternally be a classic and feminine color combination. The addition of a dark clutch is an excellent accessory color and adds boldness and depth to the overall look. 
I love the texture of the lace and the silky smoothness of the top. Lace is one of those classic textiles that has the ability to turn an ordinary garment into an extraordinary piece.
The slender fit of the skirt when combined with the loose and billowy bright top bring a modern edge to this outfit. Silhouettes tend to either be classic or edgy and therefore are often one of the most defining characteristics of style. Pieces with classic silhouettes can easily span decades while those with edgier lines may fall out of style more easily. 

What sets these stunning heels apart from other black pumps is obviously their unique gold heel and sole. I adore this combination and think it is fantastic! 
The podesua in combination with the smooth and shiny gold is marvelous. Black and gold are such classic elements and I think this is a very creative union of the two. 
Obviously, these are not your average black heels. The platform and shape of the heel are very unique and combine to create an elegant statement. 

To be honest, I think some color could transform this dress.  This is a stunning piece and yet I do not think this particular color does it any justice. 
I am quite find however of the material, I think it lays well and has a pretty sheen to it. The way the lower portion of the skirt has been sewn also adds a delightful texture to the overall dress, which I think makes it  far more interesting. 
By far and wide the shinning star of this dress. The tailored bodice and a-line skirt are exceptional. This dress truly transcends time with its classic lines. Created today by Zac Posen I can easily envision a starlet of the 1950's wearing this on the red carpet. 

*images from my Pintrest 

Little did you know!

One of my new blogger friends started this and I think it's a creative way to get to know one another and for our followers to get to know us! Hope you enjoy :) 

There are five simple rules:
1. Post these rules
2. Post a picture of yourself and 11 random things
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post
4. Create 11 new questions and tag bloggers to answer them
5. Go to their blog or twitter and tell them you've tagged them

11 Random Things...

1. I am a girly girl and love clothes, shoes, hair and make-up but I can't do my own hair or make-up very well at all. I've had people helping me since I was in 8th grade. Very sad, but incredibly true. 

2. I've been doing Pilates for almost 9 years. It helps me in so many ways. 

3. Neon pink finger nails will ALWAYS make me smile :) 

4. My Grandmother taught me to enjoy and appreciate the finer things in life at a very early age. 

5. My mom does not like shopping at all, I do all of her shopping for her. 

6. I paint, mostly on large canvases, and when I paint I get incredibly messy. 

7. I like to get pedicures but not manicures. I think my nails look better and the polish lasts longer when I do them. I can give my self a great French manicure. 

8. There is not much in life I feel like I cannot accomplish. Our family friends joke that I could easily run a small country and I think I could. 

9. I find the wind to be magical and calming. There is something incredibly spiritual about it for me. 

10. My Grampsie meant the world to me and there is not a single day that I do not miss him.

11. I am very competitive and pretty athletic, I love running, tennis, hiking and horseback riding.  

11 Questions for Me...

1. Dog person or cat person?

    I'm a dog person, we recently adopted a 2 year old Saint     Bernard :) He's 145lbs of love!

2. If you could interview anyone for your blog, who would it be?
    Rachel Zoe. I love her style. 

3. Drink you're most likely to order in a bar?
    Grey Goose Madras

4. Do you have a phobia?
    I'm afraid of spiders and snakes.
5.  Morning person or night?
     Night, I literally do not function before 8:30am

6. Do you collect anything?
    Sunglasses, handbags and shoes. 

7. Favorite guilty pleasure TV show?
    Anything "Real Housewives"

 8. Where did you go on your last vacation?

9. Favorite animal?
    Saint Bernard, or a monkey, I think I would like to encounter a monkey at some point in  
    my life.

10. What is the first thing you would grab in a fire?
      Truthfully, my lovies. I still have my blanket from when I was little and a dog named Woof 
      Woof Woof that my Gran and Grampsie gave me. 
11. What would you do for a Klondike bar?
 Hahaha, nothing! I'm not a huge Klondike fan. Now if you were offering a fruit tart, that would be an entirely different story.          

11 Questions for Bloggers...

1. What is your favorite beauty product?

2. What is your favorite word?

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?

4. Who is the most influential person in your life?

5. What are three words you would use to describe yourself?

6. What makes you smile?

7. What are three things that you find to be calming?

8. What would people be surprised to know about you?

9. What was your first car?

10. Beach, mountains or desert?

11. What is your favorite thing to cook or bake?

Bloggers I Tagged

* A special thanks to Couture Zoo for coming up with such a great and fun post to share!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The Dailies
Lady Elizabeth Grace

A glimpse into my childhood and a trip down memory lane...

I can't even begin to count the number of times I've either read or been read this book!

My Gran always used to sing this to me! 

The All Time Classic of my Life!

Pretty much the best advice EVER!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Intorducing the Dailies...

The Dailies
Lady Elizabeth Grace

Dailies - the raw, unedited footage of a film in production collected at the end of each day to be reviewed

The Dailies - Lady Elizabeth Grace - images, quotes, people, places, objects, art...basically anything I see or encounter in my daily life that inspires me or my style

Life can get so crazy busy, but I truly love my blog and I am very grateful for those who follow it. I intend The Dailies to be a quick, easy and fun way for me to share and connect every day! I hope you enjoy :) 

It's been a long day and this looks so comfortable. I love the lamp, the mirrored side table and the neutral colors of the bedding. I believe your bedroom should be your sanctuary, truly a space to relax, recharge and restore and I could easily do that in this room!