Monday, March 5, 2012

A Not So Lady Grace Adventure...

Yesterday I decided to have a little adventure, and do something I have never done before, garden! While I love to observe the beauty of nature from such perspectives as hiking, laying on the beach or sailing on a boat, I have never become one with the soil and attempted to plant anything. You might be wondering what made me think to even try this in the first place. The simple answer is my husband. I wanted to do something nice to surprise him and he loves plants and gardening. I knew this one would really shock him! Boy did it ever :) 

My adventure began at our local nursery where thank God, a very nice and incredibly patient woman spotted by distressed self and selflessly volunteered to help me. I think she found my helplessness amusing and I was truly grateful for her wisdom and advice. 

After describing the daily conditions and light patterns of our back yard, a conversation that required a phone call to my mom for the answer,  we selected three pretty Camellia plants. I placed one outside of our kitchen and the other two outside of our master bedroom. Never to miss a decorating opportunity I of course had to select beautiful clay pots to accent my newly chosen flowers. I found these simple but striking dark Hunter green pots, which just happen to also be my husband's favorite color. 

 This truly became a labor of love. 
I couldn't find any gardening gloves and forgot to buy a pair so I wore a pair of latex gloves, I think my hands ended up just as dirty as they would have had I not worn gloves. I was also so excited to begin my little project that I didn't think to remove any of my jewelry. Needless to say, I think you get the picture of exactly what kind of adventure this became. In the end though I have to admit I am pretty proud of what I did. Let's just say it's very safe to assume that this will most likely be my first and last gardening adventure. It's back to fashion, design and all things fabulous for me!

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