What is your favorite store to shop at?
Nordstrom, it happens to be really convenient and they carry many of my favorites :)
If you could afford anything and everything, which designer
brand would you covet?
Must have closet staple?
A great nude heel
Favorite kind of shoes?
I must give Mr. Stewart Weitzman some major credit, of all of the wonderful shoes I own, his tend to consistently be the most comfortable. I love, love, love any heel 4" and higher :)
Best clothing deal you've ever gotten?
I have to admit I have never had incredible luck at finding wonderful things on sale, but I did fall madly head over heels in love with my Valentino coat and dress!
Style you'd love to try?
I like to vary my style, somtimes I lean to boho chic other times I like to keep it simple and conservative. If there's a style I fancy I give it a go, that's the FUN of fashion!
Sassy, classy & colorful :)
Much love,

hahahah our lists are alike. seriously nothing is better than chanel!! and that red ruffled jacket is SO cute omg! i want to raid your closet SO badly! haha! love you!!!! xoxo